Zuma’s Experiential Learning Program

Microsoft Word - 6weekprogramflyer11-09.docxMichael Hogland of Littleton Colorado first appeared at Zuma’s as a volunteer November 1st, 2009. The weather that day was snowy and freezing cold, but that did not keep Mike and his friends from attending Zuma’s volunteer training. That is true dedication! As a new member of the Zuma’s family, Mike jumped in head first coming out in the worst weather, traipsing through deep snow and slick mud to help care for the equine therapy partners.

This past Sunday November 8th, Mike became the first person to step up and sponsor a child for the upcoming Experiential Learning Program to begin at Zuma’s in January 2010. The program cost per child is $220.00 and Mike wrote Zuma’s a check for the full amount. With this donation, he will be making a difference in an at risk child’s life.

The program will focus on many obstacles faced by the children in our community dealing with emotional challenges. Please join Mike in sponsoring these children. We have scheduled 16 slots for children ranging in age from 7-17. Gather your friends your companies together to get these 16 kids sponsored. You will receive the age and gender of the child you sponsor along with progress reports from their parents and teachers.

We will also need 16 adults to commit to be mentors with the kids in the program for the 6 weeks. Recruit a friend to mentor with you and come be part of the change you want to see in our young people. The programs will run either Monday evening 5-7:30 or Saturday Mornings 10-12:30

Please join us in providing these experiential programs to help these at risk youth. Contact: Jodi Messeinch 303-346-7493 or jodi@zumasrescuernahc.com to sign up.


Mike Hogland passed away this week in his sleep. A rare treasure among volunteers. Mike will be missed by both the 2 and 4 legged Zuma family members.

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