Volunteer Policies and Procedures: Saturday Rules

Zuma’s is a very special place; we’re not just a horse rescue. We also provide equine-assisted psychotherapy to children. This means that when therapy is in session, certain areas of the property are off limits in order to protect the privacy of the children in our program. If you arrive and the gates are closed, please do not attempt to enter the property. The gates are closed when the property is closed to visitors, for your safety and to ensure the privacy of our therapy clients.

If you intend to travel some distance to visit us, please make arrangements with us ahead of time to ensure that your visit will coincide with a time when we are able to accept visitors. Call us at 303-346-7493.

Volunteer Training is held every Saturday, beginning at 9:00 AM. Gates will be open at or around 8:30 AM to allow new volunteers to enter for training. Because volunteer training requires the group to move around the 146-acre Ranch, trainers will not be able to greet and welcome visitors to the Ranch after the training has started. Therefore, the gates may be closed once training begins.

Horses are large animals, and caring for them can be strenuous activity. Please ensure that you are healthy enough to participate if you wish to join us.If you want to volunteer in non-strenuous ways, contact us to see how you can help.

There is some risk that accompanies working around large animals and the equipment used to care for them. As such,volunteer applications and liability waivers must be obtained from visitors and volunteers before they are allowed to move freely on the property.

So, please understand that while we may, at times, restrict the flow of untrained or non-volunteer visitors onto the property to ensure the safety and privacy of those on our property, we value your interest and look forward to your involvement with our program, very much!

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