
Zuma’s has developed an incredibly strong community, full of support for our mission. Our community is full of dedicated volunteers that all contribute in their own special ways. This group is committed to the harmonious continuation our mission. This makes all the difference.

Zuma’s community includes the volunteer that is tired after a long day at work yet still drives out to Zuma’s to help that make the difference in our mission. Or the volunteer that shows up early Sunday morning without fail – rain or shine, sun or snow – to help scoop poop.  Zuma’s community is the volunteer that dedicates time each week to mentor one of the kids at Zuma’s.  It is the volunteer that makes Zuma’s Luck for us, or the one that collects beads for the Zuma’s Luck, or that dedicated P.R. volunteer that squeezes in time to put Zuma’s mission out into the world.  These are the people that keep the mission on track.  blog.cls

community, these people that make everything possible.

When Zuma’s can count on the continued support from the community, we can continue to grow through our programs to save more horses and help more families.

What ever way your are giving, doing, saying good things for Zuma’s, we say THANK YOU!

What Zuma’s Means to Me

The following is from a child who has been participating in Zuma’s Wellness with Horses Program.  This child was asked “What the Horses Mean to Me.”

The response is a clear example of why Zuma’s believes in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and is committed to the success of our Wellness with Horses Program.

“The horses have helped me by teaching me how to calm myself down faster. Also, they have taught me to be respectful to others. They are helping me be myself, building a terrific character. They help me feel good about myself, teach me not to hurt animals, and make it easier for me to attach and connect to others.”


To sponsor a child participating in our Equine Assisted Pyschotherapy and Wellness with Horses program, please contact us at 303-346-7493.

If you would like to learn more about our Wellness with Horses program, please click here or visit our website.

What Zuma’s Means to Me

Over the next few weeks, we will be featuring stories from children who have participated in Zuma’s Wellness with Horses Program.  These children were asked “What the Horses Mean to Me.”  Their responses are clear examples of why Zuma’s believes in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and is committed to the success of our Wellness with Horses Program.

Until I came to the foster care system, I thought that horses were just animals that you could use for transportation.  But now, I’ve realized that they are loving and caring animals that understand so much about me and others.

Sometimes, when I am feeling down, I go to a horse and they come up to me and let me pet them and groom them.  This lets me know that there is someone who is always there for me. Horses are just like the friend I have always wanted because I can trust them and they are always there for me. They understand me more than anyone else does.

Horses have changed my life because I can compare my life experiences with the horses.  Their behaviors are very similar to us humans and they interact with us easily.  I think that everyone should have a day with a horse to compare and interact with the horse and learn that horses can be very helpful to their experience.”

To sponsor a child participating in our Equine Assisted Pyschotherapy and Wellness with Horses program, please contact us at 303-346-7493.

If you would like to learn more about our Wellness with Horses program, please click here or visit our website.

Around the Ranch

Thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers and sponsors, our rescued horses can now enjoy their new run in sheds and pastures.  Take a look at the beautiful new fencing put up last weekend! Special thanks to the Colorado Fence Association.

Picture 130

Picture 138

Picture 132

A Little Change Can Make a BIG Difference


This October, Zuma’s Rescue Ranch will kick off a penny drive with it’s Piggy Bank for Ponies Campaign.  Collection jars will be placed at Zuma’s and other various locations in the community.  If you are interested in placing a collection jar at your local business, please contact us!  Please help us spread the word to friends, family, coworkers and community members.  Every penny counts and everyone can participate!  A little change can make a BIG difference. Funds will help rescued horses and children participating in equine therapy programs at the ranch.

For more information about our programs or sponsoring a horse or a child, please visit our website! Check back soon for details on Piggy Bank for Ponies locations and more information!

Colorado Fence Association Installs Fencing at Zuma’s

From American Fence Association: Colorado Chapter News Update

The CFA has chosen a great charity project this year. Come join us at the Zuma Horse Rescue Ranch. This non-profit ranch rescues horses and provides therapy for at-risk foster children. Our scope of work the supply and installation of approx 1000 LF vinyl 3-rail ranch rail fence. For more information about Zuma Rescue Ranch go to
We will be working the following two Saturdays. Lunch will be provided by Zuma Rescue Ranch. Come out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather, work with your fellow CFA members and give something back to our community.
Dates:     Saturday, September 19, 2009 and
                 Saturday, September 26, 2009
Time:         Meet around 8:00 am
Place:         Zuma Horse Rescue Ranch
                 7745 N Moore Rd, Littleton, CO
Directions:  From C-470 go south on Santa Fe
                 RIGHT (west) on Titan Road
                 LEFT (south) on CR-19 (N Moore Rd)
                 Contact Chris Cox 720-641-2518 or 
                 Rick Neumann 720-352-4101

Volunteer Policies and Procedures: Saturday Rules

Zuma’s is a very special place; we’re not just a horse rescue. We also provide equine-assisted psychotherapy to children. This means that when therapy is in session, certain areas of the property are off limits in order to protect the privacy of the children in our program. If you arrive and the gates are closed, please do not attempt to enter the property. The gates are closed when the property is closed to visitors, for your safety and to ensure the privacy of our therapy clients.

If you intend to travel some distance to visit us, please make arrangements with us ahead of time to ensure that your visit will coincide with a time when we are able to accept visitors. Call us at 303-346-7493.

Volunteer Training is held every Saturday, beginning at 9:00 AM. Gates will be open at or around 8:30 AM to allow new volunteers to enter for training. Because volunteer training requires the group to move around the 146-acre Ranch, trainers will not be able to greet and welcome visitors to the Ranch after the training has started. Therefore, the gates may be closed once training begins.

Horses are large animals, and caring for them can be strenuous activity. Please ensure that you are healthy enough to participate if you wish to join us.If you want to volunteer in non-strenuous ways, contact us to see how you can help.

There is some risk that accompanies working around large animals and the equipment used to care for them. As such,volunteer applications and liability waivers must be obtained from visitors and volunteers before they are allowed to move freely on the property.

So, please understand that while we may, at times, restrict the flow of untrained or non-volunteer visitors onto the property to ensure the safety and privacy of those on our property, we value your interest and look forward to your involvement with our program, very much!

Billion Dollar Benefit – Pay it forward

Zuma’s Rescue Ranch is the featured charity for the Billion Dollar Benefit.  Join the Billion Dollar Benefit, Get a social medial tool kit for $10.00! Your donation goes directly to Zuma’s Mission.
Billion Dollar Benefit: Who, What and Why do We Care?

Social media is HUGE! With Facebook having over 200 Million users world wide (of which 100 Million users log on at least once per day) and Twitter doubling in size every 90 days or so (with a projected 50 Million plus users by Christmas ‘09) it’d be crazy not to utilize social media for such a campaign as the Billion Dollar Benefit! [BDB]

  • BDB is a Network of Business’s worldwide
  • Billion Dollar Benefit Network represents a group of driven Entrepreneurs from around the globe who have created some of the Internets most successful marketing tools.
  • BDB embraces Social Cause Marketing. This system takes a great cause and the use of social sites integrating the use of technology to promote the cause.
  • BDB provides you the giver a $297 monthly value of an all purpose office to enable you to become a effective part in this viral marketing system.
  • Understanding and seeing the results has in Social Cause Marketing can apply it to your own business to phenomenal results.
  • Billion Dollar Benefit also provides you with a unique and interactive support network: giving you the tools to effectively Engage, Educate and Earn while you are focused on your greater contribution to your community.
  • The Billion Dollar Benefit will donate 100% of donation to Charities and Foundations around the world. Zuma’s Rescue Ranch is currently the featured charity!
  • BDB Pays It Forward, now it’s your turn.

Join the Billion Dollar Frenzy, spread the word, and help raise the fastest Billion Dollars ever raised for charity!

There are SO many ways you can help Zuma’s Mission

So many people hear the word charity and assume it means a cash donation. NOT NECESSARILY TRUE!! Of course cash donations are always welcome and appreciated by a charity, and Zuma’s Rescue Ranch is no exception to that, but there are so many other ways you can get involved and help this organization. Here are some examples:

  • donate items or gift certificates to Bennington Mercantile Feed Store in Castle Rock, Colorado–in person or by phone: 200 Perry St., Castle Rock, CO 80104, 303-688-3016. You can also purchase items on our needs list, which is posted by the cash registers;
  • volunteer your time at the ranch;
  • donate services: we currently need
    • a web designer,
    • printing services,
    • t-shirts we can customize,
    • photography services,
    • videography services,
    • volunteer equine psychotherapists,
    • construction services,
    • catering services for events, and
    • volunteers to work events, just to name a few;
  • donate items for the ranch and its events such as hot dogs/hamburgers & buns, condiments, popcorn machine, cases of water and/or drinks, tickets for raffles, office supplies, white boards/markers, balloons & decorations, etc…
  • Advertise for the Ranch by adding an email signature to your email accounts;
  • donate advertising space in newspapers or magazines;
  • donate veterinary, farrier, and equine dentist services;
  • sponsor a child’s equine psychotherapy sessions;
  • sponsor a rescue horse;
  • adopt a horse;
  • adopt a child;
  • there are other things you can do to help too– call today and find out how you can get involved: 303-346-7493